OCS Night Land Navigation. Tips To Get You A Perfect Score.

Night land navigation is an important event at Marine OCS. It makes up 5% of the 25% academic grade (i.e., 5% of your total OCS grade). There is going to be at least one practice round so don't worry too much if you aren't confident in this area. Candidates will be able to get the help they need from instructors to be successful with this. Here is a simple diagram showing how the course is setup. Every candidate is given [...]

3 Tips To Stay Awake During Class At Marine OCS

Everyone who has endured Marine OCS knows that staying awake during class can be quite brutal. The schedule at OCS is no joke. There is always something going on and it can become very exhausting. Imagine trying to get through a schedule such as this: 2100: Night Land Navigation 0000: Get to sleep in the field 0045: Wake up to prepare for watch 0100: Start standing watch 0200: Back to sleep 0330: Wake up to start preparing for the hike [...]

By |2014-03-29T17:16:46-07:00January 31, 2014|OCS Academics, Officer Candidates School|0 Comments
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