The Basic School is still several months away for me, but I am too eager to wait to write my first article related to TBS. At this point, there is nothing for me to write about that would be very useful to anyone. What I want to do is outline what I plan to write about once I get to TBS. This is also an opportunity for everyone out there to comment in with topic suggestions. Perhaps there are specific things you want to know and I can address them as soon as they come up. By the way, the picture I have added is of something I wish I were doing right now, but instead I work a 9 to 5 job in a cubicle (which I actually very much enjoy in many ways … that is quite sad).
TBS Phase Updates
There are currently five distinct phases to TBS. I’m not yet aware of the details surrounding each one, or what distinguished them from each other. However, my first goal will be to write an articles at the end of each phase outlining what went on and key things to be aware of.
Week By Week
This goal may end up in the trash considering my life while at The Basic School will not include much free time, or so I hear. I will try my best to write a quick update every week. I’m hopeful that doing so will help me unwind about what has occurred and get all of the fresh memories written out before I forget. The most helpful things we learn from each other are generally the small details. Weekly posts will allow me to most effectively convey tips to everyone. Don’t hold me to this one.
Range Week
I hear that range week is brutal. There should be some downtime once we get out to the range. If so, I will take notes of what is going on so that I can write up a special post pertaining to range week. This is going to be important because it is our time to get rifle qualified.
The culminating event at The Basic School is called “War.” I know little to nothing about it right now. Considering it’s importance, I hope to write about all the details pertaining to this event. What things would be helpful for other to know? How can you prepare early on? The good and bad things that I do that will give others better insight.
That is all I can think of right now. TBS is months away from the date of this writing, but I am eager to hit the field and learn more about our beloved Marine Corps. If you have any specific questions pertaining to TBS please leave a comment. If are at TBS or have completed it and would like to contribute here let me know as well!
Hey, could you write an article focusing on the MOS mixer and the distribution of spots. I’m really interested in how difficult getting an infantry billet and any information is appreciated. Thank you!
I will try to put something together within the next few weeks.