About USMC Officer

As a Marine Corps Officer, my goal is to help and educate those who have obtained, or are aspiring to earn, the title of Marine Officer.

Be Prepared For The “Moment Of Truth” at OCS

The "Moment Of Truth" is a part of OCS in which you are given the opportunity to disclose various types of information about yourself that may have been overlooked by your AMOI, MOI, or OSO. Essentially, the Marine Corps needs to know about any laws you may have violated. I do not remember all of the details surrounding this activity, but I will try my best to point out some of the major things you need to be aware of. [...]

By |2014-02-12T05:17:58-08:00February 12, 2014|Officer Candidates School|7 Comments

3 Tips To Stay Awake During Class At Marine OCS

Everyone who has endured Marine OCS knows that staying awake during class can be quite brutal. The schedule at OCS is no joke. There is always something going on and it can become very exhausting. Imagine trying to get through a schedule such as this: 2100: Night Land Navigation 0000: Get to sleep in the field 0045: Wake up to prepare for watch 0100: Start standing watch 0200: Back to sleep 0330: Wake up to start preparing for the hike [...]

By |2014-03-29T17:16:46-07:00January 31, 2014|OCS Academics, Officer Candidates School|0 Comments

Enjoy Your Time In The Individual Ready Reserve

So you graduated college and got commissioned as a United States Marine Corps Officer, but what do you do if the Corps has decided to throw you into the individual ready reserve. If you were fortunate to get an assignment to The Basic School with only a few months to relax then you probably don't have any worries. Move back home with the parents, or stay around school and keep working your day job. Sadly, that will not be the [...]

By |2017-11-30T15:27:52-08:00December 14, 2013|Marine Officer|0 Comments

3 Solid Ways For Marine Corps Officers To Invest Their New Paychecks

It is not an easy task managing money. After all, the education system in many ways neglects to teach children early on how to be smart with money. Unless you graduated college with a business, economics, or accounting degree, money may still be something you are uncertain about. My goal is to provide some quick options for you to consider. Investing is the greatest tool at your disposal that can help build wealth and financial stability. Responsible money management early [...]

By |2014-02-14T07:45:15-08:00December 13, 2013|Investing|6 Comments

Health Care for Marines in the Individual Ready Reserve

One of the first things you should be concerned with upon commissioning is understanding the benefits that you will receive while waiting for The Basic School. There are definitely a few small details that I was not aware of prior to commissioning that I would like to share. If you have questions about these types of things make sure you make an inquiry with the staff at your unit and get answers. Medical Coverage Yes, while in the Individual Ready [...]

By |2017-11-30T15:27:58-08:00December 13, 2013|Marine Officer|0 Comments
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